
Rian Silver Archan Kunphan

Wat Mahathat
Powerful Silver Coin
Ajahn Khun Pan
Holding Sword & Jatukham RamaThep & Phra Rahu
BE 2550.
This is Powerful Silver Coin of Ajahn Khun Pan Holding Sword & JatuKham RamaThep & Phra Rahu, strongly blessed by Top Monks in 4 Grand Ceremony by conducted final blessing at Wat Mahathat in year BE2550. Featured Silver Coin of Ajahn Khun Pan is created by Ajahn Khun Pan's son (Konlek) and made from sacred Silver materials with mixed Holy Yant sheets, Metal in Chedi and Metal of Ajahn Khun Pan's Sword. Featured stunning images of Ajahn Khun Pan Holding Sword and Jatukham RamaThep & Phra Rahu and sacred Yant at both side. Additional have code at side.
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