

二哥豐原名鄭義豐,又名禮裕,別號二哥豐,晚年自號海濤。因曾資助孫中山的民主革命,並與他結拜為兄弟, 孫中山嘉其為「有智有勇」,故改名為「智勇」。清同治三年前後,14歲的鄭智勇從故鄉到暹羅{泰國}謀生,開始在暹京和北欖坡等地做挑夫和小生意。16歲加入以原太平軍逃亡部將、大哥林莽為首的洪門天地會,35歲當上該會的二哥。大哥林莽死後繼為大哥,但世人仍習慣以其本名義豐而稱他為「二哥豐」。得勢之初,恰逢暹羅王朝財政困難,暹王拉瑪五世決定開拓賭業新稅源,先由一胡姓潮州人承包而失敗,繼由二哥豐承包全暹京花會廠。「花會」是賭博形式,以紅黑的將、士、相、車、馬、炮12個漢字做賭碼,只准壓注11碼{任留一空碼「透氣」},每局開一碼,中一陪十{連壓注賭本}。形成一個有司庫、總管、批腳、保鏢、侍者的穩固賭網。全盛時日進白銀35擔,使王朝的稅款劇增,鄭智勇也財源茂盛!鄭智勇有了雄厚的資本,創辦了「鄭謙和號」總商行,經營航運{8艘輪船航行於東南亞諸國}、火礱{碾米業}、錢莊、當押、報紙{《華暹日報》}、印務局等。商務機構遍及南洋諸國和日本、香港和中國內地的上海、青島、廈門、汕頭等地。由於他對暹羅經濟做出巨大貢獻,暹王拉瑪六世封鄭智勇「坤伯」(伯爵)頭銜,賜其家族暹籍姓氏為鄭差哇尼,將嚏叻附近的l條公路賜名為鄭差哇尼路 {一說此路是鄭智勇捐資所建}。光緒年間,國內一次天災年,鄭智勇捐10萬白銀賑災,清王朝誥贈他二品花翎頂戴的「榮祿大夫」!1903年,孫中山到暹京活動,鄭智勇資助孫中山並加入同盟會,孫中山手書「憎愛」兩字贈他。辛亥革命勝利後,孫中山就任臨時大總統,鄭智勇派第五子來祝賀,獻5萬光洋及象牙雕刻工藝品,後又贈暹幣100萬銖給廣東都督府。1911年鄭智勇在家鄉淇園村附近{現名淇頭新鄉}建成中西合璧,富麗堂皇的300間華廈巨宅,佔地140多畝,包括宗祠、洋樓、學校、禮堂、操場、體育娛樂場所和更樓、圍牆等。智勇小學首屆免費招收三班180名學童入學。從豪宅至潮州城和浮洋潮汕鐵路火車站, 修築了2條洋灰路,總長約50華里。1918年初,潮州發生大地震,危及韓江堤防,鄭智勇撥黃金38萬兩,並用他來往汕頭一曼谷的五福輪船公司的輪船運來大批物資,修築南堤、北堤。次年8月工程竣工,潮州紳士父老在南北堤防建「鄭公智勇紀念亭」和「鄭公智勇紀念碑」,以記其功績!1937年農曆三月初七日,鄭智勇在暹京逝世,年87歲。國民政府特派鄭揩、胡漢民先生等到泰弔唁。臨終前,鄭智勇立下遺囑,將在曼谷的大夫第連同大批地皮獻給暹羅政府。


(茂兄所督造的二哥丰 & 大峰公佛牌~庆祝大峰公庙100年(一共两款,这是其中一款)~采用最细腻的陶瓷材料掺入其他茂兄(二哥丰牌创始人)的独家材料,用最古老的方法加上最先进科技相结合制造而成~正面二哥丰+十二生肖,背面大峰祖师公+八仙,用镭射刻上了“发财”两个反假冒标记,双面用高分辨率彩印后烧制而成,大小约5 x 5cm~发起人为兄茂(二哥丰牌创始人)与报德善堂的大峰公庙,真正从泰北清迈开始巡回开光,一直到泰南合艾市,途径两千多公里,从泰国最北边到泰国最南边的108座佛寺,佛历2550年1月25日开始加持,2551年才开光完毕,历时整整一年~)

是因为曾有一次他因为喝醉酒。竟然扬言要放火烧警察局,吵到记者都去采访 也因此上了报纸头版。
他心情大受影响 开始担忧起来。

后来 茂兄果真获得无罪判决,这可是令他相当惊讶!
几乎每一次都有中奖,于是茂兄的生活渐入佳境,变得富裕。茂兄每次中奖后 都会拨出部份奖金来做善事。



Luang phor thanom spider amulet



Rian 3 chao khun

~Phorthan Boon
~Wat Uttamaram
~Tok Raja-CK Chan-CK Mit Rian 3ck
~Nur Thong Deang
~BE 2546
3 Chau Khun Rian, strongly blessed by Phor Than Boon in year BE2546. Featured Tok Raja, CK Chan and CK Mit images with Phra Pidta images at back and sacred Tok Raja's Yant. This Rian is made from mixed Copper - Thong Daeng materials and many reported it has been proven bulletproof in Southern Thailand when an army been shot by M16 but unhurt.


Rian Silver Archan Kunphan

Wat Mahathat
Powerful Silver Coin
Ajahn Khun Pan
Holding Sword & Jatukham RamaThep & Phra Rahu
BE 2550.
This is Powerful Silver Coin of Ajahn Khun Pan Holding Sword & JatuKham RamaThep & Phra Rahu, strongly blessed by Top Monks in 4 Grand Ceremony by conducted final blessing at Wat Mahathat in year BE2550. Featured Silver Coin of Ajahn Khun Pan is created by Ajahn Khun Pan's son (Konlek) and made from sacred Silver materials with mixed Holy Yant sheets, Metal in Chedi and Metal of Ajahn Khun Pan's Sword. Featured stunning images of Ajahn Khun Pan Holding Sword and Jatukham RamaThep & Phra Rahu and sacred Yant at both side. Additional have code at side.
If interest can PM at :
Phone       ~+6010-6606460
Wechat     ~zenamulet
Facebook ~www.facebook.com/zenamulet
Fb page    ~ www.facebook.com/zenmember
Blogger    ~https://zenamulets.blogspot.com


Phra pitda Lp Deang

Luang Phor Daeng
Wat Kok Sai
BE 2540

Luang Phor Daeng or widely known as 'Daeng Anak Rimau' by local people. LP Daeng was REALLY one of Tok Raja diciples.

HISTORY OF PHRA PIDTA AMULET Phra PidTa Amulet is a kind of amulet which is popular with the different characteristic both production process and art which is unique from other type of amulet and became distinguished and popular among the Buddhist especially within amulet society. It is well known under the name of “Phra Pidta”. The characteristic of Phra Pidta is a Buddha Image with a quite plumpness, and close this face with his hands.
Phra Pidta from some branch has 2 additional hand to close his anus History of Phra Pidta Amulet in Thailand started at the end of Ayutthaya Era. It was found as evidence that Phra Pidta Amulet in the very first beginning was made from metal such as Phra Pidta from Tai Yaan Temple. Later it was made from Klook Rak Powder and other type of Phra Pid Ta Amulet such as Phra Pidta Amulet by LP Kaew, Kruewan Temple.

To produce Phra Pidta Amulet was widely popular since the beginning of Rattanakosin Era until now. The basic meaning of closing eyes is to close all “Tawarn” or the gateway of all lustful desire which we believe that human (or animal) have 9 “Tawarn” or gateways includes 2 eyes, 2 nostrils, 2 ears, 1 mouth, urinary passage, and anus. All together are 9 gateways.

The reason of making the amulet showing a Buddha image closing all 9 gateways is closing 2 eyes, 2 nostrils and 1 month with a pair of hand closing the entire face, closing 2 ears with another pair of hands and closing the urinary passage, and anus with another pair of hand as well. This implies that all lustful desires are ignored completely.

Due to this reason, the masters the produce a statue (amulet) in a form of the Buddha Imaging closing his eyes.(only one pair of hands covering his face), or closing all 9 gateways. In general, Phra Pidta Amulet with 2 hands closing his face is being recited for adorable incantation and wealth, while the one with hands closing all gateways is being recited for invulnerable incantation and escapable incantation.

1. If you are a solider and going to fight in a war, just wrap the amulet with a piece of clothe and keep it at your head, then you will be able to escape from any dangers. In case of many bullets are shot toward you t the same time, they will not it your body at all. If you have enemy, just write the name of your enemy in a paper and put the amulet over such paper, the enemy will not be able to harm you at all.

2. If you are punished for death sentence or seize property, clean the amulet with water and drink such water, then all sentences will be disappeared.

3. If you are punished by trouncing, think of the amulet and worship with incenses and candles with 3 times praying, you will not be trounced. If you have to be trounced, hold your breath, take soil and put it on the top of your head, you will not be hurt while trouncing.

4. If you would like to protect from robbery or bad person, worship with incenses and candles and pray for yourself to be safe. Do it everyday, 3 dangers: robbery, fire, and flood will not happen. Those who worship to Phra Pidta Amulet will have smooth life with happiness, successful career. Those who do not believe are just like those who never experienced Buddha, Bhuddhism.

Good person will only experience good things. It is not benefit to those who is bad, if he worship this amulet. This ancient philosophy has been continuing since Ayutthaya until today.
If interest can PM at :
Phone       ~+6010-6606460
Wechat     ~zenamulet
Facebook ~www.facebook.com/zenamulet
Fb page    ~ www.facebook.com/zenmember
Blogger    ~https://zenamulets.blogspot.com

Archan Morn phra guru datuk

Archan Morn
Phra guru datuk
Description :
This beautiful Rian was made from mixed sacred Old Copper .
Featured with Super Powerful Yantat both size of the Rian.

Blessed by Ajahn Morn in BE.2551.

Increase luck tremendously, Wealth fetching, Good in business, Overall good luck, Metta, Family Harmony, Very good in protection from harm and danger, Good opportunity and successful in everything that you do.
Price : RM 1800
If interest can PM at :
Phone       ~+6010-6606460
Wechat     ~zenamulet
Facebook ~www.facebook.com/zenamulet
Fb page    ~ www.facebook.com/zenmember
Blogger    ~https://zenamulets.blogspot.com

Archan Nong Luplor Lp Thuad

Archan Nong 
Wat Saikow
BE 2541
Powerful Roop LP Thuad 80 Phi Nur Wahn

This is Powerful of Roop LP Thuad 80 Phi Nur Wahn, strongly blessed by Ajahn Nong in the year BE2541 for his 80 years old batch. This batch with stunning image of Black Skin Roop of LP Thuad image at front with Lotus at base. This sacred Roop LP Thuad  is made from special mixture of many kinds of sacred Holy powder and sacred Nur Wahn powder materials.
Archan Nong Of Wat Saikow is regarded as one of the pioneers in the creation of LP Tuad amulets. Amulets of LP Tuad made by Ajahn Nong of Wat Saikow have been known to be as efficacious as those created by Ajahn Tim of Wat ChangHai. Ajahn Nong had been involved in the production of all batches of Phra Luang Phor Tuad from Wat ChangHai from the 1st batch in the year BE 2497 till his passing in the year BE 2541.

Special: This is Powerful of Roop LP Thuad 80 Phi Nur Wahn (Height 2.9cm) strongly blessed by Ajahn Nong in the year BE2541 for his 80 years old batch. This batch with stunning image of Black Skin Roop of LP Thuad image at front with Lotus at base. This sacred Roop LP Thuad  is made from special mixture of many kinds of sacred Holy powder and sacred Nur Wahn powder materials. Highly collectible, in excellent condition and entirely genuine.   
If interest can PM at :
Price         ~rm550
Phone       ~+6010-6606460
Wechat     ~zenamulet
Facebook ~www.facebook.com/zenamulet
Fb page    ~ www.facebook.com/zenmember
Blogger    ~https://zenamulets.blogspot.com

Rian Phim Kee Khor BE 2558

LP Yuan
Wat ChangHai
Rian Nawak LP Thuad KeeKor
Nur Nawak
BE 2558.

This is Excellent Powerful of Rian Nawak LP Thuad KeeKor Nur Nawak, strongly blessed by LP Yuan & Many Top Monks at Wat ChangHai in year BE2558. This sacred LP Thuad Rian KeeKor is made from sacred Holy Nur Nawak materials. Featured stunning image of LP Thuad, Ajahn Tim and name details at front. Additional with image of Chedi Wat ChangHai at back side with sacred Yant at both. Additional with Chop Code and series number at back.
Wat Changhai of Pattani province, is a very important temple of LP Tuad, the main Chedi are venerated the holy relics of LP Tuad.Currently consecrated many Efficacious and Powerful protection of LP Tuad amulets.
This is Excellent Powerful of Rian Nawak LP Thuad KeeKor Nur Nawak (Height 3.5cm) strongly blessed by LP Yuan & Many Top Monks at Wat ChangHai in year BE2558. This sacred LP Thuad Rian KeeKor is made from sacred Holy Nur Nawak materials. Featured stunning image of LP Thuad, Ajahn Tim and name details at front. Additional with image of Chedi Wat ChangHai at back side with sacred Yant at both. Additional with Chop Code and series number at back. This Powerful LP Thuad Rian KeeKor is one of the most sought after item after released from Wat ChangHai. Don't hesitate to own it if you eagerly to have one. This is one of the Powerful LP Thuad amulet that I highly recommend to you.
If interest can PM at :
Price         ~RM 250
Phone       ~+6010-6606460
Wechat     ~zenamulet
Facebook ~www.facebook.com/zenamulet
Fb page    ~ www.facebook.com/zenmember
Blogger    ~https://zenamulets.blogspot.com

Archan Nong BE2537 Lp Thuad luplor

Ajahn Nong
Wat Saikow
Powerful Ner Phong
LP Thuad Roon LohTan Nur Phong
BE 2537.
Featured stunning image of LP Thuad Roon LohTan with Plain Base at front side. This sacred ner phong is LP Thuad Roon LohTan is made from sacred 108 phong.
Amulets of LP Tuad made by Ajahn Nong of Wat Saikow have been known to be as efficacious as those created by Ajahn Tim of Wat ChangHai. Ajahn Nong had been involved in the production of all batches of Phra Luang Phor Tuad from Wat ChangHai from the 1st batch in the year BE 2497 till his passing in the year BE 2541.
This sacred ner phong LP Thuad Roon LohTan is made from sacred 108 phong materials, variant in mint condition and is one of the Popular Ajahn Nong amulet.
If interest can PM at :
Phone       ~+6010-6606460
Wechat     ~zenamulet
Facebook ~www.facebook.com/zenamulet
Fb page    ~ www.facebook.com/zenmember
Blogger    ~https://zenamulets.blogspot.com

Archan Nong lp thuad BE2539

Ajahn Nong
Wat SaiKow 
Powerful LP Thuad Square Shape Nur Wahn
BE 2539.
Ajahn Nong Of Wat Saikow is regarded as one of the pioneers in the creation of LP Tuad amulets. Amulets of LP Tuad made by Ajahn Nong of Wat Saikow have been known to be as efficacious as those created by Ajahn Tim of Wat ChangHai. Ajahn Nong had been involved in the production of all batches of Phra Luang Phor Tuad from Wat ChangHai from the 1st batch in the year BE 2497 till his passing in the year BE 2541.
This Stunning Superb LP Thuad Square Shape Nur Wahn (Height 2.6cm) strongly blessed by Ajahn Nong - Wat SaiKow in year BE2539. Featured stunning image of LP Thuad at front with name details and Lotus base. This sacred square shape of LP Thuad is made from sacred Nur Wahn materials. This sacred Holy powder Nur “Wahn” is a family of Thai plants, many of which are respected as sacred plants that could help worshippers in daily life. This sacred LP Thuad is one of the Popular LP Thuad amulet from Ajahn Nong.
If interest can PM at :
Price         ~rm150
Phone       ~+6010-6606460
Wechat     ~zenamulet
Facebook ~www.facebook.com/zenamulet
Fb page    ~ www.facebook.com/zenmember
Blogger    ~https://zenamulets.blogspot.com

Archan Morn big head lp thuad

Monk: Ajahn Morn.
Temple: Isan temple.
This is Powerful Big Head LP Tuad With Phra Buddha Riding 3 Headed Elephant & Leklai Perng Pim Jumbo (height 5.4cm & Width 3.5cm) strongly blessed by Ajahn Morn in year BE 2553. This Jumbo size batch of LP Tuad is made from sacred Holy powder mixed with Leklai powder and inside is added Leklai Perng - brown colour leklai. Featured stunning image of LP Tuad Holding Crsytal with Phra Buddha Riding 3 Headed Elephant and sacred Super Yant at both side. .
For special great Protection from harm and bad influence and evil, Great in Business and overall Good Luck, Overcome all obstacles in life, Enjoyed peace and prosperity.
If interest can PM at :
Price         ~rm 550
Phone       ~+6010-6606460
Wechat     ~zenamulet
Facebook ~www.facebook.com/zenamulet
Fb page    ~ www.facebook.com/zenmember
Blogger    ~https://zenamulets.blogspot.com


吉祥三宝泰佛文物典藏: 龙普碧纳~五世佛

吉祥三宝泰佛文物典藏: 龙普碧纳~五世佛: Phra Tao Ngua 龙普碧纳大师大概在佛历2517年左右,师父就已经推出了一款五世佛,有牛和龟,鸡和龙,麒麟和牛的肖像。又有人把这一批佛牌称为PHRA PUAD NI,即还债的意识。因为当年有许多厂商及生意人配戴了这款佛牌后,都扭转乾坤,一一的把债务还清。所以到现在,S...


Swimming Khunpaen

Phra Khunpaen Pim Lek Silver Mask, Archan Chum & LP.Supa
Amulets were start making on 20th November 2506 and completed amount of 84,000 pieces on 22 December 2506.

Start chanting ceremony on Dec. 23rd December B.E.2506.
Phra Sadedklub chanting ceremony was held at Wat Sarod on 24th December B.E.2506 and celebrate a successful day on 24th January B.E.2507 at 6:00 o'clock, Total time of two months.

Phra Sadedklub in number of 84,000 pieces are includes Phra Khunpaen Ruenkaews, Phra Rods and Amulets of LP.Khong and Prakam Rosary also Amulet pictures of Luangpoo Supa  all made of Wan Sacred plants and minerals, medicines, Holy water together more than 2,000 kinds. Created by Archan Chum Chaikhiri and Mrs.Boonsueb Chaikhiri.

Chanted by 3 Archans that never met before LP.Supa Kantasilo, Archan Chum Chaikhiri and Archan Uthai Dujsriwach.
This one is Phra Khun Paen Pim Lek with original attached Silver Mask, small size 1.6 X 2.6 c.m., Red color, this one can be pulled by magnetic power. Original Plastic cased from Samnuck, rare.

*Amulets with Silver Mask are Phra Kanaen, which quite rare to find for the real one, only few amount were made.  Most amulets founded in market now are using real Khunpaen attched with newly made mask.
If interest can PM at :
Phone       ~+6010-6606460
Wechat     ~zenamulet
Facebook ~www.facebook.com/zenamulet
Fb page    ~ www.facebook.com/zenmember
Blogger    ~https://zenamulets.blogspot.com



远从印度回到泰国后,龙普碧纳把印度一尊佛陀转法轮的肖像制造成了佛牌。 Phra Kampai主为Kunkapan,大多被安放在车内以保出入平安。
龙普碧纳生前非常受到信徒尊重与爱戴,经常会有信徒成群结队闻名而到。有一次,一群信徒有如往常从远方前去参拜龙普碧纳。在即将离开庙里时,龙普碧纳将Phra Kampai放在信徒回程的车子里。回程的路上竟然发生了大土崩,而土崩更造成了严重的车祸,受伤的人非常多。然而前往参拜的信徒故然深陷其中,可是却毫发无伤。当时车内多达七人,全部都安然无恙。之后,庙里也传来许多类似的事件。


Phra Sud
奇迹事件: Phra Sud 佛刚刚打造完成的那一年,师父讲解道说帕素佛(PHRASUD)不但可以保护佩戴者,还可以包护到周边的人。当时在场的人都不太愿意相信师傅所说。龙普碧纳全然不在意众善信给于他的怀疑二话不说的拿起一把沙子,在佩戴者毫无准备的情况下往他们的方向洒去。不但佩戴者的眼睛没进沙连身边的朋友也安然无恙。亲眼见到此奇迹的弟子及信徒们,才真正相信师父所塑造佛牌的力量,也成了当时的一短佳话。
这款佛牌共有四个尺寸。最大的名为phra sud jumbo, 接下来phra sud yai,phra sud lek 及 phra sud mini。其中最珍贵和罕有的为phra sud jumbo。


RUANG TAR天眼(RuangTar)
~ 二期塑造于2520年,没有金色框,草药制造。共四个颜色,黑,白,红,黄。当时留入市场并不多,应为师父一塑造开关好之后,就把一部份埋入庙里塑造的佛相金身里面。大概2551年左右,由于庙正在装修并想移动其金身才发现大概500立左右。也为庙里筹得了一笔建庙费用。市价大概马币1000左右。





Phra Tao Ngua
龙普碧纳大师大概在佛历2517年左右,师父就已经推出了一款五世佛,有牛和龟,鸡和龙,麒麟和牛的肖像。又有人把这一批佛牌称为PHRA PUAD NI,即还债的意识。因为当年有许多厂商及生意人配戴了这款佛牌后,都扭转乾坤,一一的把债务还清。所以到现在,SARABURI省的小贩及商家都无人不晓。也是当时师父制造佛牌的数量最多的一款,所以价位不高。大概马币四百到六百之间。


Dao也就是星星的意思。许愿星是龙普碧纳生前的代表做。提及龙普碧纳,话题都离不开DAO。当时龙普碧纳所制造的许愿星牌系列可说是家喻户晓,人人称赞。龙普碧纳总共打造过二十多种不同模型的许愿星。材料更不在话下。其头帮的许愿星最为独特。现在就是开价到百万泰铢也难求。 据龙普碧纳历史记载,于龙普碧纳坐禅期间领悟得知此佛牌。 五角星为金木水火土·八角为四面八方·月亮为重生 许愿星主为心想事成,有求必应。佩戴者可促进正横财运,人缘,姻缘,事业,生意等等。。 奇迹事件: 许愿星的奇迹事件多不胜数。从最早期接触许愿星到龙普碧纳圆寂后才接触许愿星的信徒都亲身体验许愿星的灵力。在泰国最先接触许愿星者为军人及警察。于Saraburi县,许多警察与军人佩戴后节节升官。再者为生意人,佩戴后生意更是兴隆。甚至在龙普碧纳圆寂后,远在马来西亚的信徒佩戴许愿星后事业极为顺利,更承诺只佩戴龙普碧纳打造的佛牌,等等多不胜数的事件!


Lp Pinak生前亲自教导了五位徒弟雕刻parakit。这五位徒弟分别只学到了一种类型的parakit的雕刻法,之后他们都为Lp Pinak 雕刻parakit。Lp Pinak 的parakit 分别有五个不同类型的头型。可是,Lp Pinak 为了不让后来的人混淆,便以Parad Hua Cemut(厘猫的头) 和 Parad Hua Hom (圆头)来分辨比较明显的区别。Lp Pinak的Parakit 是由多种神木手工雕刻而成的。例如: kiankongpayamai(非常大棵的木的中间部分),mai payasataban,mai sat,mai hiu dam, mai kalapangha(Lp Pinak也说过用mai Kalapang ha雕刻而成的parakit念经时放在经水内,parakit会从经水内跳出来)除此之外,Lp Pinak 生前更选用了非常珍贵的象骨,象牙及水牛角来雕刻parakit。 在每一支Parad Hua Cemut 的嘴里都有活跃性的舌头。Parad Hua Cemut 嘴里的舌头分为金,银,黄铜与红铜之差别。在每一支Parakit的后面也有两个小洞。一个洞LP Pinak放进了草药或者是Lp Pinak 生前制作的小符管(Tangkai)。另一个洞则把自己的名字写在铜片上放进洞里。Lp Pinak 告诉世人每个人都有父母,Lp Pinak 把他做的Parakit称之为父亲的代表,以许愿星为母亲的代表。在中国或华人的角度亦称之为阴阳。可增进佩戴者的人缘,异性缘,招财,找贵人之功效。佩戴者不需加以供奉,只须以香水为供品即可。Lp Pinak 生前对信徒说,他制造的圣物在以后会有非常多的仿造品,若寻找他的圣物的信徒须在购买时非常小心的选购。Lp Pinak 所制造的parakit每一支都是手工雕刻,即使是经文也是用刀刻上去的,由机器刻上的经文并非出自于Lp Pinak。以水笔写上经文的parakit虽然有,可是极为少数。信徒若要购买此类型的parakit,必须要象相信的人购买。
奇迹事件:曾经有人嘲笑龙普碧纳塑造的狸猫头巴拉吉(PARAD HUA CHEMUT)不雅又无谓。当时龙普碧纳不以为然地把身上的狸猫头巴拉吉随手往放生池里丢去,在场的人都被龙普碧纳这样的举动吓着了。池塘里的狸猫头巴拉吉竟然像活起来似的在池塘里游了起来。神奇的是那狸猫头巴拉吉竟然能呼之即来,唤之则去。把那个人吓得傻住了。结果可能是因为惊吓过度那个人大病了一场。一个星期之后那个人惭愧的回到庙里惭悔思过,过后还成了龙普碧纳忠实的信徒呢。


Phra Somdej Sangkacai
顺德佛(Somdej )是许多高僧都喜爱的佛牌之一,龙普碧纳也不例外。龙普碧纳却把somdej做出了一个崭新的组合。Somdej-Guanyim/与Somdej-Sangkazai。
龙普碧纳学佛无国界众所皆知。此佛牌制造完成后更是风靡一时,受到许多信徒的喜爱。这款佛牌共两款,分别在有na cha li tik 或 没有。没有na cha li tik的为一期,有写na cha li tik 的为二期。颜色方面都一样,一面金色及一面银色,对磁铁有感应。这两款牌的塑造年份在于2520到2535年期间。
还有一款更加罕有及珍贵,名为long phim 即试模的意识。2517年左右开始塑造,用料有古佛,草药和力南辟。表面没有上色,由于厚度比较薄所以容易破碎。所以这款佛牌会比较罕有,市价都在于马币5千到六千之间。佩戴此佛牌者可促进生意顺利,保平安,招财气。
当时人人皆知此佛牌佩戴更是多。更有人配戴后,偏财运特别旺盛尤其于赌运。之后转告龙普碧纳关于此事,不过师父并不赞成赌博行为,且说输赢并不重要 , 千万不可以沉迷于赌。把佛牌的神力用于事业其为妥当。


Archan Morn Lp Thuad

高僧 : Ajahn Morn
原庙 : Isan 庙
类型 :这是强大有效的珍宝龙普托与力萊 Perng和超级扬持(身高5.1厘米)由阿赞MORN在BE2554加持。这种大尺寸珍宝龙普托与力萊 Perng是由圣洁圣粉与Leklai粉和 棕褐色力萊混合制成。精选令人惊叹的龙普托 托住水晶球的形像与蛇王和神圣的超级扬持。值得收藏或配戴,特价优惠。
年份 :BE 2554
功能 :商业和整体好运,克服生活中的一切障碍,强大的保护免受伤害和危险的,享有和平与繁荣,你所做的一切都会成功。
结缘价 :RM210
If interest can PM at :
Phone       ~+6010-6606460
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Facebook ~www.facebook.com/zenamulet
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Archan Morn Lp Thuad nang ler

高僧 : Ajahn Morn
原庙 :Wat MongKiri
类型 :這是驚人強大的龙普托坐船手掌向上与Ma Khon神和超级神圣扬持(高寬3.9cm)由阿赞Morn在BE2551阿赞 Prasoot 和阿赞鼎加入开光议式。这龙普托坐船奇迹,把海水变为喝水与手掌向上神圣形象。后面有神圣的帕 ThepMaKhon神的形象与PhayaNak龙。精选与神圣的超级大扬持在两侧。这神圣的一批龙普托由神圣的混合Nur Wahn材料与神圣的力莱材料。阿赞Morn著名的外星人护身符和他独特的超级扬持护身符。偉大的Ma Khon神將帶來巨大的財富和保護。佛的足跡將克服生活中的一切障礙。
年份 :BE 2551
功能 :商业和整体好运,克服生活中的一切障碍,强大的保护免受伤害和危险的,享有和平与繁荣,你所做的一切都会成功。
结缘价 : RM550

Archan Morn Lp Thuad Sivali

Ajahn Morn
Wat Jang
Powerful Big Head LP Thuad Sivali Nur Old Wahn & SuperPower Yants
BE 2552.
This is stunning & Powerful of Big Head Special LP Thuad Sivali Nur Old Wahn & SuperPower Yants, strongly blessed by Ajahn Morn in year BE2552 with LP Nuan and many Top Monks were participated at Grand Ceremony. This Rare sacred Big Head Special LP Thuad is made from mixed sacred Old Holy Nur Wahn materials. Featured Finest Beautifully design with Big Head LP Thuad Hand Holding Stick and standing on seat of 4 Cobra image and Unique SuperPower Yants at front. Additional with sacred SuperPower Yants at back.


Luang Phor Ngern

龙婆艮 Luang Phor Ngern
Wat Bangklan 于BE2513拆除拆除大雄宝殿的舍利塔时,挖掘出龙婆Ngern在世时所铸造的佛牌,还有龙婆Ngern留下的数本铸造佛牌的秘籍。为了筹资重建大雄宝殿,还有纪念龙婆Ngern的伟大功劳及圣迹,所以发起了铸造2514/15这批佛牌的活动。 当时的盛况空前,除了龙婆Ngern本庙,甚至连周边的庙宇都一起合作督造!督造的庙宇包括Wat Suthat、Wat Tainam、Wat Munlek、Wat WangJit、Wat Ta Bua Thong等等, 这批佛牌,从BE2514年至BE2515年,一年内共加持三次:。 2514年第一次加持,在泰国督造药师佛最有名的Wat Suthat,由74位师傅加持。 2514年第二次加持,仍然是在Wat Suthat,由127位师傅加持。 2515年第三次加持,于龙婆Ngern本庙Wat Bangklan,由297位高僧最后加持。 在制作的圣料当中,加入了龙婆Ngern于BE2460所督造的出塔牌,以及来自各地师傅的手写经文符管,更加入了大量黄金碎。 除了BE2460龙婆Ngern亲自加持的佛牌,BE2515的这批佛牌,可以说是显灵度最高的一批龙婆Ngern法相。在最后一次加持的大法会上,297位高僧,同时目睹了龙婆Ngern显灵降世到场加持圣迹!
佩戴龙婆Ngern BE2515佛牌的许多信众,生活都得以改善,财运、事业、工作皆平步青云,由此BE2515这批佛牌成为最受欢迎的龙婆Ngern系列。 当时Wat Bangklan本庙督造的2515龙婆Ngern财佛20000尊,佛像800尊。


Phra Putha Sihing

Archan Khun Phan
Phra Putha Sihin
Pim Niyom
BE 2530
Sao Lak Meuang, Year
Material: Nur Pong see-daeng, Mould: Pim Niyom Lang Rahu Song Kruen, back.100% Good condition.
If interest can PM at :
Phone       ~+6010-6606460
Wechat     ~zenamulet
Facebook ~www.facebook.com/zenamulet
Fb page    ~ www.facebook.com/zenmember
Blogger    ~https://zenamulets.blogspot.com


Archan Morn Phra Kring

Ajahn Morn.
Wat Chern
This is Incredible Of Coated Rainbow Leklai Phra Kring With Super Yant & Kring Ball Inside (Height 4.6cm) strongly blessed by Ajahn Morn in year BE2552. This stunning of Phra Kring made from mixed sacred Old Copper with coated Rainbow Leklai on surface and featured 'Kring Ball' inside, have Kring Sound when shaking the Phra Kring. Featured with Super Powerful Yant at back side and bottom. Additional with Beautiful design coated Rainbow Leklai Phra Kring with worn earring and stunning crown on the top. Ajahn Morn is one of the Top master to find the powerful Leklai materials. Very Rare and I highly recommend to you.


Phra Phom 四面佛

Somdet Maha RachamangKhaRachan LP Surasak - LP Chamnan
Wat KuhaSawan -
Excellent Maha Brahmas Phra Phrom Nur Chin Ngern & Copper Base With Kring Ball BE 2557.
This is Powerful of Maha Brahmas Phra Phrom Nur Chin Ngern & Copper Base With Kring Ball, strongly blessed in year BE2557 at Wat KuhaSawan by Somdet PhraMaha RachamangKhaRachan, LP Surasak, LP Chamnan & Top Monks with Holy Spell of Brahmas Phra Phrom. Featured with sacred image of Brahmas Phra Phrom and Hands Holding weaponry. This sacred of Brahmas Phra Phrom is made from sacred Chin Ngern materials with burning skin and Copper materials at base and added Kring Ball inside, have Kring sound when shaking. Additional with sacred Yants, Code and series number 138 at back. Additional this Maha Brahmas Phra Phrom Nur Chin Ngern & Copper Base is made 2999pcs only. 

Archan Khun Phan

LP Glun & Ajahn Khun Pan
Wat KaoOr
Phra Pidta PangPaKan
PutthaKhom KaoOr Nur Mixed Old Copper
BE 2544.
This is Superb and Powerful of Phra Pidta PangPaKan PutthaKhom KaoOr Nur Mixed Old Copper, strongly blessed by LP Glun, Ajahn Khun Pan and Top Monks in years BE2544. This Powerful of sacred Phra Pidta PangPaKan PutthaKhom KaoOr is made from sacred Nur Mixed Old Copper materials and with added sacred Holy Yant sheets materials. This sacred Phra Pidta PangPaKan PutthaKhom KaoOr with Cobra King image at top and Chop 2 Codes and Chop series number at bottom. This sacred batch Phra Pidta PangPaKan was consecrated at 3 separated ceremonies starting in May BE2544 at Wat Khao Or, Wat Mahathat and back again to Wat KaoOr for final ceremony.


Rian Tok Raja

佛牌名稱:Rian Tok Raja
佛祖经文 自身牌
造牌寺庙 :  Wat Nikhom Weng
师傅介绍:Phor Than Jerd
Tok Raja,又称为昭坤克隆;是大馬歷史上,首位獲得泰王賜封為一州僧首的圣僧,他也是當時並非泰國本土和尚的泰國十大神僧之一!
除了师傅亲手制作的圣物外,有师傅弟子如昭坤Chan、昭坤Mit、谭Jerk等高僧制作的Tok Raja法相牌也显灵记录和好效果口碑。


吉祥三宝泰佛文物典藏: Luang Phu Toh

吉祥三宝泰佛文物典藏: Luang Phu Toh: Phra Pidta Kanok Kang Wat Praduchimplee 1 Takruts Nur Bailan LP Toh for 3 months BE2522. This is the rare Phra Pidta in highly valuable ...

Archan Khun Phan

Phra Takrut 万事兴打固
备注:Hand write takrut Not Pump
Archan Khun Pan 阿赞坤潘
庙名:Nakhon Si Thammarat
制作年份: B.E.2541(1998年)
圣物尺寸:H高:7CM x W宽:0.5CM

坤潘一到寺廟,拾到金馬上開金口說,他等坤潘已等了 1 千 500 年,過去因被一位白衣使者封銷風水而發揮不到功力,救不到人。因此囑咐坤潘幫他做一個金身,必須找一棵名為 Theptharo的古樹來雕刻其神像。 坤潘在森林找了很久,終于找到一棵 Theptharo 古樹,坤潘指示此樹要由中間砍伐,但樹砍倒后,工人卻無法將樹搬出樹林,用盡各種方法都不能移動樹木。 坤潘畫了一張虎眼符綁住樹身后,工人就輕而易舉的把樹運峪山來,由坤潘親自雕刻了拾到金神像。
佛历2529年(公元1986 年),在洛坤風水地的州政府及人民支手寺和樂捐下,納坤在佛历2530年(公元1987 年)成功依拾到金神指示,突破傳統的做了第一枚圓形的拾到金佛牌。當年,泰國的佛牌多是四方形或長方形,當時每一枚的售價僅是泰幣 49 元,如今已水漲船高到每枚泰幣一百萬元(約馬幣十萬令吉)。
目前,在市場上,你想要花一百萬泰幣來買坤潘所制的第一批拾到金佛牌,聽說擁有者連有人拿一輛馬賽地賓士汽車來換,他們都搖手拒絕,真是千金也一枚難求。 一枚經過念經、開光的拾到金佛牌,法力無邊,助人無數,人人戴了,事業順利,財運亨通,這二十年來,洛坤的人,無人不知,無人不曉。

Archan Khun Phan was one of the most well-known white-robed Archan of our time. His amulets, like the Phra Kring Pae Tong and JTK Pidta Panpakan have been known to be highly efficacious and are highly sought-after by discerning amulet wearers and particularly so since his death when prices of his amulets have increased many times over.
Archan Khun Phan is very well-known for his Visha (magic) and was frequently invited to participate in amulet-consecration ceremonies around Thailand.
Archan Khun Phan's Phra Khun Paen was recognised as one of the most efficacious Phra Khun Paen made in our times and many people have had good experiences in their lives after wearing Phra Khun Paen consecrated by Archan Khun Pan.
Archan Khun phan was the former chief of Police Region 8, Khun Phantharak Rajadej, and believed to be the last commoner holding the noble title Khun, died of old age in Nakhon Si Thammarat aged 108.
Known as a tough crime buster in the South over 70 years ago, Pol Maj-Gen Khun Phantharak Rajadej was respected by colleagues and local residents but feared by criminals. He was well-versed in Thai history and folklore and was a prolific writer, having penned articles for many publications. A master of rituals in Nakhon Si Thammarat, he advised on the installation of the city pillar shrine in the province in 1987.
Thai feudal titles were created in the Ayutthaya period. They were granted until just after the 1932 revolution brought an end to the absolute monarchy and feudalism in the country.The full title consisted of a prefix signifying the rank (bandasak) and an honorific name (rachatinnanam) granted by the monarch to a particular person, usually reflecting the profession he specialised in. In this case the rank was Khun and the honorific Phantharak Rajadej. The appointee would use the full title in place of his names.
Pol Maj-Gen Khun Phantharak Rajadej was born Butr Phantharak on Feb 18, in Nakhon Si Thammarat's Tha Sala district. He graduated from the Huay Chorakae police cadet academy in Nakhon Pathom in 1929.
He earned a reputation for wiping out many notorious criminal gangs in southern provinces such as Phatthalung and in the central provinces like Suphan Buri. As a reward, he was granted his title in 1935.
In 1960, he was appointed chief of Police Region 8 and promoted to police major-general. Pol Maj-Gen Khun Phantharak Rajadej retired in 1964. He entered politics and was elected as a Nakhon Si Thammarat MP for the Democrat party in 1973.
Funeral rites were held at Wat Mahathat Woramahawiharn in Nakhon Si Thammarat's Muang district. His body was given royal bathing rites.
If interest can PM at :
Phone       ~+6010-6606460
Wechat     ~zenamulet
Facebook ~www.facebook.com/zenamulet or www.facebook.com/zenmember