
Archan Khun Phan

Phra Takrut 万事兴打固
备注:Hand write takrut Not Pump
Archan Khun Pan 阿赞坤潘
庙名:Nakhon Si Thammarat
制作年份: B.E.2541(1998年)
圣物尺寸:H高:7CM x W宽:0.5CM

坤潘一到寺廟,拾到金馬上開金口說,他等坤潘已等了 1 千 500 年,過去因被一位白衣使者封銷風水而發揮不到功力,救不到人。因此囑咐坤潘幫他做一個金身,必須找一棵名為 Theptharo的古樹來雕刻其神像。 坤潘在森林找了很久,終于找到一棵 Theptharo 古樹,坤潘指示此樹要由中間砍伐,但樹砍倒后,工人卻無法將樹搬出樹林,用盡各種方法都不能移動樹木。 坤潘畫了一張虎眼符綁住樹身后,工人就輕而易舉的把樹運峪山來,由坤潘親自雕刻了拾到金神像。
佛历2529年(公元1986 年),在洛坤風水地的州政府及人民支手寺和樂捐下,納坤在佛历2530年(公元1987 年)成功依拾到金神指示,突破傳統的做了第一枚圓形的拾到金佛牌。當年,泰國的佛牌多是四方形或長方形,當時每一枚的售價僅是泰幣 49 元,如今已水漲船高到每枚泰幣一百萬元(約馬幣十萬令吉)。
目前,在市場上,你想要花一百萬泰幣來買坤潘所制的第一批拾到金佛牌,聽說擁有者連有人拿一輛馬賽地賓士汽車來換,他們都搖手拒絕,真是千金也一枚難求。 一枚經過念經、開光的拾到金佛牌,法力無邊,助人無數,人人戴了,事業順利,財運亨通,這二十年來,洛坤的人,無人不知,無人不曉。

Archan Khun Phan was one of the most well-known white-robed Archan of our time. His amulets, like the Phra Kring Pae Tong and JTK Pidta Panpakan have been known to be highly efficacious and are highly sought-after by discerning amulet wearers and particularly so since his death when prices of his amulets have increased many times over.
Archan Khun Phan is very well-known for his Visha (magic) and was frequently invited to participate in amulet-consecration ceremonies around Thailand.
Archan Khun Phan's Phra Khun Paen was recognised as one of the most efficacious Phra Khun Paen made in our times and many people have had good experiences in their lives after wearing Phra Khun Paen consecrated by Archan Khun Pan.
Archan Khun phan was the former chief of Police Region 8, Khun Phantharak Rajadej, and believed to be the last commoner holding the noble title Khun, died of old age in Nakhon Si Thammarat aged 108.
Known as a tough crime buster in the South over 70 years ago, Pol Maj-Gen Khun Phantharak Rajadej was respected by colleagues and local residents but feared by criminals. He was well-versed in Thai history and folklore and was a prolific writer, having penned articles for many publications. A master of rituals in Nakhon Si Thammarat, he advised on the installation of the city pillar shrine in the province in 1987.
Thai feudal titles were created in the Ayutthaya period. They were granted until just after the 1932 revolution brought an end to the absolute monarchy and feudalism in the country.The full title consisted of a prefix signifying the rank (bandasak) and an honorific name (rachatinnanam) granted by the monarch to a particular person, usually reflecting the profession he specialised in. In this case the rank was Khun and the honorific Phantharak Rajadej. The appointee would use the full title in place of his names.
Pol Maj-Gen Khun Phantharak Rajadej was born Butr Phantharak on Feb 18, in Nakhon Si Thammarat's Tha Sala district. He graduated from the Huay Chorakae police cadet academy in Nakhon Pathom in 1929.
He earned a reputation for wiping out many notorious criminal gangs in southern provinces such as Phatthalung and in the central provinces like Suphan Buri. As a reward, he was granted his title in 1935.
In 1960, he was appointed chief of Police Region 8 and promoted to police major-general. Pol Maj-Gen Khun Phantharak Rajadej retired in 1964. He entered politics and was elected as a Nakhon Si Thammarat MP for the Democrat party in 1973.
Funeral rites were held at Wat Mahathat Woramahawiharn in Nakhon Si Thammarat's Muang district. His body was given royal bathing rites.
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